Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Costa Rica is a Paradise according to National Geographic

The tropical jungles, rivers, and country's beautiful white beaches were reason enough for the National Geographic Channel to rate Costa Rica as the closest thing to heaven on earth.

According to the National Geographic channel, the country stands out from the rest of the world because of its huge diversity of life forms that find refuge in this small section of Costa Rica.

Because of the beautiful diversity of wildlife like crocodiles, quetzals, and species of monkeys, a television program will be taped and aired on National Geographic on June 25th.

The program will reveal the seven wonders of Latin America, one of the regions with the largest diversity.

Costa Rica, referred to by National Geographic as "T he Living Earth", stands out among other countries for its bountiful vegetation and variety of forests.

The television program also highlights Costa Rica as a place where one can witness the large number of recently born sea turtles emerge from the sand and scurry toward the ocean.

Source: I.C.T, july 11,2008

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